Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 05

Track Year Event Artist Song Album
1 1597 A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society. Cursive The Martyr Domestica
2 1852 The Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, one of the largest and oldest museums in the world, opens to the public. Herman's Hermits Museum Retrospective
3 1869 The largest alluvial gold nugget in history, called the "Welcome Stranger", was found in Moliagul, Victoria, Australia. Supertramp Goodbye Stranger Breakfast in America
4 1917 The Congress of the United States passes the Immigration Act of 1917 over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. Also known as the Asiatic Barred Zone Act, it forbade immigration from nearly all of south and southeast Asia. Morrissey Asian Rut Kill Uncle
5 1919 Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and D.W. Griffith launch United Artists. Talking Heads Artists Only More Songs about Buildings and Food
6 1924 The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal or the "BBC pips". Braid Pipsqueak Frankie Welfare Boy Age Five
7 1958 A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered. TV on the Radio Bomb Yourself Desparate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
8 1976 The 1976 swine flu outbreak begins at Fort Dix, NJ. Converge Year of the Swine When Forever Comes Crashing

(Historical facts about February 05 are from Wikipedia.)

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